The Uttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam (UPSEE) conducted by Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) is scheduled to be conducted on April 18 and 19. The candidates can rectify the application forms from April 3. According to the official website of UPTU "Candidates are advised to verify all the entries on the printed confirmation page. If any correction is required, they will be allowed to submit the correction request between 03-April-2015 to 04-April-2015 and re-print the correct confirmation page". The candidates should be very careful while making the amendments as those having an error in the application forms will not be issued an admit card. The admit card is a mandatory document to be carried by the candidates at the time of exam, failing which they will not be allowed o appear for the test. The last date to fill up the applications have been extended to April 4. A total of 1,81,930 candidates have registered for the exam, so far. Exam schedule: April 18: A...